Optics Valley Financial holding leadership warning education conference and theme education party lesson activities
2023-07-14 09:30:06

On July 14, Optics Valley Financial Holding Group held leading cadres warning education conference and theme education Party class activities。Qin Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the Group, attended the meeting and taught special party lessons, and Gong Xueyi, vice chairman and general manager of the group, presided over the meeting。

At the meeting, the leaders and all party members and cadres concentrated on watching the "alienated feelings" warning educational film。Subsequently, Zhong Xing, member of the Party Committee of the Group and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, made deployment and arrangements for the 2023 Group Party style and clean government construction propaganda and education month activities。

Qin Jun focused on high-quality development and the construction of a clean and honest party, giving special courses on clean and honest Party。他指出,十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央把思想建设作为党的基础性建设,先后开展六次思想主题教育,每一次都是全面深刻的政治教育、思想淬炼、精神洗礼。集团全体党员干部要进一步深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于加强党的纪律建设重要论述和总书记在光谷的讲话精神和殷殷嘱托,Make theoretical study the "first issue" of important Party meetings,As a party member of the leading cadres of the first course, the main course, compulsory courses, lifelong lessons,Closely integrated with the work of the center,We should arm our minds with new ideas, promote integrity, guide practice and promote work。

Qin Jun stressed,It is necessary to take the "six must adhere to" as the "golden key" to solve the development problems of enterprises, as the basic thinking method for us to think about problems and do things, and promote the high-quality development of Optics Valley Financial Holding。We should seize the opportunity of innovation and strive to answer the question of Wuhan New City construction。Optics Valley Financial Holding should take the initiative to integrate enterprise development into the construction of Wuhan New city,Give full play to the pioneering spirit,Keep the "back to zero" mentality,Enter the "startup" state,Take the "go again" stance,Don't be afraid to step out of your "feel good" comfort zone,Strive to be a clear-cut "leading goose",Willing to work the fertile field as a "pioneer cow"。To live up to youth, and strive to stimulate the ambition of "re-entrepreneurship"。First, we must strengthen political development,集团上下要把学习贯彻习近平总书记考察光谷重要讲话精神作为首要政治责任,Efforts to crack the financial license layout, industrial investment development and other aspects of the blocking points,Create a new situation of group innovation and development,Practice "two establishment" and achieve "two maintenance" with practical actions;Second, we need to strengthen our responsibilities,The whole group should further emancipate their minds and broaden their thinking,Dare to break through the rules, break the POTS and pans,Continuously improve the quality of industrial development in service high-tech zones;Third, we must promote the spirit of hard work,Strive to be a "mountain red", "nail" and "old cow" type cadre。To continue to build a strong style, law-abiding, clean and honest。It is necessary to deeply understand that strengthening discipline construction is a fundamental strategy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and an important measure for promoting thematic education。It is necessary to combine the theme education, strengthen discipline construction, educate and guide the grass-roots party organizations and party members and cadres of the group to check the insufficiency, find the gap, clear the direction, and effectively achieve discipline, discipline, and discipline。

Gong Xueyi requirements,All party members and cadres of the group should fully understand the significance of this meeting,Unswervingly implement,Always keep in mind the original mission of "promoting production with finance and serving Optical Valley",Be prepared for danger in times of safety,Hard work,Integrity innovation,Forge ahead,roll up our sleeves to work harder,Go ahead rain or shine,Take up the mission,Act as,Strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Wuhan New City。

Members of the group leadership team, heads of various departments and secondary companies, and representatives of party branches attended the meeting。